
About AV-Service Manuals

Having been involved with the UK consumer electronics trade since the mid 1960s, I have amassed a vast library of original service data manuals which currently amounts to about 7000 items.
These manuals cover Television, VCR, DVD, and all types of audio products from reel to reel  to CD.
Together with this library I also have an extensive database of fault information for both audio and video
products and a stock of spare parts extending back to the days of valves and germanium transistors.
Most of this material is now for sale and I regularly have auctions of service data on Ebay.  
To see if I have the manual that you require go to the Service Manual  page and  browse through the indexes.
  I am still cataloguing and adding data to the site, so if the manual you require is not in the index
please contact me with your requirements.
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